If you are a busy lawyer, you might have gone through the job of referring a case to another attorney and applying to attorney referral services. Normally, you called an agency that matched you with an attorney and charged you their processing fee. It might have taken some time until the final arrangements were made for your case referral. We offer you a solution better than that! Lawyers can find an attorney through an automatic application called AppearMe in the states of California, New Jersey, Nevada, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois. We connect attorneys in various practice areas. All you need to do is to set up an account with AppearMe and refer a case or receive referrals from other attorneys. In this article, I will make an unprecedented claim that automation is the best when it comes to lawyer referral services!
How is it Normally Done?
Normally you will complete a form and receive a phone call or a note from a manager. The agent will match you with an attorney and while arranging your referral fees, the agency will immediately disperse their fee.
These agencies are usually specialized in specific practice areas and rarely cover different states. For example, you may find an agency that offers lawyers only in personal injury or real estate. They may be focused in California and fail to offer you someone in Nevada.
The truth is that we often need a lawyer in a different jurisdiction because we are not eligible to cover that state. We also need to refer a case because we lack expertise in a specific practice area. So, instead of searching among different agencies to find a lawyer in the right jurisdiction and the right area of practice, here is what we offer.
Sign up to an Automatic Portal to Refer a Case
It goes without saying that automation is a time saver for a lawyer. When you sign up to AppearMe, you gain access to thousands of lawyers in seven different states. The procedure is too simple. You fill in the required fields and click “Submit”. Thousands of lawyers receive push notifications and emails and they respond in an average of 60 seconds. Now you can choose among the lawyers reading their profiles and feedback information. AppearMe checks the profiles of the attorney and approves only those without disciplinary history.
Let me elaborate more on why to choose AppearMe and spread all doubts that automation is a solution in the 21st century!
Why Choose AppearMe Instead of Lawyer Referral Services?
We want to make it clear that we are a portal of attorneys that help them connect with each other to refer cases and earn a referral fee. Therefore, the procedures are easier and much faster.
Here are some of the reasons why an attorney may consider AppearMe when it comes to case referral services:
- AppearMe is an automatic portal. You don’t need to go through complicated procedures in order to find an attorney. You can find an attorney by a push of a button instead of talking to agency managers and getting into long explanations. Just fill in the required fields and your message will be delivered to thousands of attorneys who potentially can take your case.
- It charges no processing fee, unlike many other agencies. This means extra bucks in your pocket. However, all referral fees are to be honored and paid in accordance to each state’s Bar rules and regulations.
- You can find attorneys in 7 different states (California, New Jersey, Nevada, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois).
Finally, you can choose among a pool of attorneys according to the needs of your case. You can read the profiles of 5 and more attorneys and select the best one that fits your needs according to the expertise the attorney has. The portal users are attorneys from different practice areas and your chance of getting one in the field of your interest is super high.
But not only that! When you become a user of the portal, you can post and receive appearance attorney jobs and find a court reporter in literally minutes! Attorneys registered with our portal face no problems with court appearances and court reporting. Sign up now or contact our 24/7 team for more info!