
What Skills Will Lawyers Need for 2020?

In the world of emerging technology and the fast-growing legal sector, it is essential to adapt to the changing needs of clients in the upcoming […]


Boardman Lawyers Use AppearMe for Court Appearances

AppearMe is the FASTEST way to schedule court appearance lawyers! I know, this probably isn’t the kind of opening statement you expected from us, is it? […]


The Importance of Court Reporters

We are witnessing an age where some of the professions are vanishing. Many people have a legitimate fear that robots are going to replace humans. […]


Considering Hiring Freelance Attorneys for Your Law Firm?

Remember about AppearMe that connects legal professionals with lawyers in need of their services? Of course you do! But that’s not the end of the […]


Find and Hire Experienced Court Reporters 10X Faster

Why do you need an app when you can simply ask your colleagues for referrals or contact a court reporting agency to schedule court reporters, […]


Why Now Is the Best Time to Hire Freelance Attorneys?

Every lawyer has got Dropbox, Clio, Team Viewer, Lexicata, Evernote, but what app do lawyers need to download when they want to hire freelance attorneys? […]


Being a Tech-Savvy Lawyer is More Important than Ever

Although it seems that the impact of technology on our lives has been accepted and embraced globally, and you will fail to find a single […]


AppearMe Helps Me Get More Done in Less Time

I was in the law firm drafting contracts and other legal documents. I frequently refreshed my inbox…There was an invitation email with a link that […]


Find a Per Diem Attorney in East Orange with AppearMe

Being a lawyer is among the most satisfying yet challenging professions in the world. A lawyer’s average day consists of a heavy working schedule full […]


Law Firms Choose AppearMe to Hire Freelance Attorneys and We’ll Tell You Why

Do you hate searching for freelance attorneys for your law firm? Apart from being a boring job, it’s also a huge time waster, isn’t it? […]

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