appearance attorneys

AppearMe is spreading its awesomeness nationwide. Now attorneys and law firms in Louisiana can submit and accept appearance requests, deposition requests, and various freelance tasks, as well as book interpreters and court reporters within 60 seconds through the same account. AppearMe provides the most convenient case referral service that enables you to refer entire cases to your fellow attorneys free of charge in a matter of seconds and earn referral fees. 


Find an Appearance Attorney in Louisiana within 60 Seconds

AppearMe is a real-time and on-demand mobile and web application that allows legal professionals to find litigation support within seconds. Law firms and attorneys in Louisiana can find an appearance attorney near any court, at any time. The AppearMe application allows you to find appearance attorneys a day, an hour, or even 10 minutes before a court hearing. 

AppearMe, a UC Berkeley Skydeck company, has been an innovator in the legal sector since 2016. AppearMe has developed an advanced algorithm that chooses attorneys based on their rating, location, and preferences. This means that the chances of finding the attorney you need are very high. Thousands of legal professionals in Louisiana will get push notifications and emails after you submit a request.


What does AppearMe offer?

  • Free mobile and web applications
  • Тhe whole process from request making to committal takes only 2-3 minutes
  • Automated invoicing and billing systems.
  • Communicate with a chosen lawyer or another legal professional directly on the application 
  • Sync your appearance dates with your Google, iCal, Outlook, and Yahoo calendars.
  • Appearance attorneys receive payment right after closing the assignment.
  • Our application provides all the necessary information regarding court addresses and department phone numbers.


Sign Up To Explore More

It takes 2-3 minutes to sign and submit your personal information, and another 60 seconds to find litigation support. You can download the free AppearMe application from the App Store/Google Play to sign up, or visit the website to create an account. Once we verify your account, you will be able to find an appearance attorney in Louisiana and enjoy other featured services that AppearMe offers you! 


Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us at any time of the day when you have questions or need help. Please call us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to [email protected]

Our 24/7 customer support service would love to answer all your questions and provide support if needed. 


Let’s be friends! 

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* All fees must be honored and paid following each state bar’s rules and regulations.