Flexible schedule, long vacations, the ability to choose your assignments, and explore a variety of practice areas… Yes, being a freelance lawyer is a dream of many lawyers who want to escape the 9 to 5 grind.
The question is where to find the best legal freelance jobs. You guessed it! AppearMe is a great way to find attorney jobs fast.
Keep reading to learn a few simple steps to get started with AppearMe.
Finding Legal Freelance Jobs Has Never Been So Fast for a Freelance Lawyer
In my personal experience, it’s never been easy to find online legal jobs fast. I used to do a google search of online legal platforms in my area, fill out some basic forms, and wait for getting emails and calls about exciting opportunities. But wouldn’t it be nice if lawyers could find legal freelance jobs faster? Luckily, a few minutes is all you need with AppearMe. I know this is hard to believe, but there are thousands of registered freelance attorneys who successfully find jobs spending less than a minute in Arizona, California, Nevada, New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington.
Interested? Give AppearMe a shot!
You must first download AppearMe from App Store or Google Play (it’s FREE) or simply go to www.appearme.com to create an account. Next, enter the required information and click the “Sign Up” button. You will get an email once AppearMe team verifies your account information. Now you are ready to accept freelance lawyer jobs.
AppearMe users submit a wide variety of freelance tasks (including Answering Interrogatories, Case Summaries, Contract Drafting, Drafting Lawsuit/Complaint, Drafting Deposition Questions, Drafting Will-Trust Packages, Drafting/Modifying a Will & Trust, Drafting Motions and Memos, Estate Planning, Letter Drafting, etc.)
Once the hiring attorney submits a request, you (and thousands of other contract attorneys) will receive push notifications and emails about the freelance attorney work. The hiring attorney may choose you for the freelance legal work and text you through AppearMe chat to confirm details.
The moment you finish the task, send it to the hiring attorney. If the latter is pleased, you will get paid.
Pretty simple, right? Don’t wait! Start finding legal freelance jobs with AppearMe. Sign up today and find jobs faster, take the assignments you want, earn money, work and take time off whenever you want!
Questions? We’re Here to Help
If you have any questions, please check out our Help page or talk to a live customer support specialist by phone or email. We’re here to answer any questions you may have about our freelance legal services.