Appearance Attorney

What is a Deposition?

A deposition is an out-of-court oral testimony of a witness which used later in court or for discovery purposes. Just like testifying in court, you […]


Court Coverage in Texas is Easier than Never Before

AppearMe web and mobile app helps attorneys in Texas to cover any court hearing they cannot make. Finding a court appearance attorney in Texas is […]


Deposition Attorneys Can Double Their Income With AppearMe

How many job offers do you receive as a deposition attorney per week? Two, three? Now imagine you can double the number of offers exactly […]


What To Do If You Have Decided To Resign?

Attorneys are free to resign at any point for any reason. However, you need to take steps to meet legal obligations before you resign. Here […]


Get Appearance Attorney Jobs by Registering for Free

Legal practice is changing, and a lot of in-house lawyers are thinking of ways to keep their life and work balance. Most attorneys work about […]


Work as a Court Appearance Professional

Have you ever thought of working as a court appearance professional in your free time? AppearMe, a web and mobile real-time and the on-demand app […]


Texas Attorneys Never Worry About Court Coverage Again

Overwhelmed with stress and heavy workload? You are not alone. A lot of lawyers face stress today, and they are looking for ways to reduce […]


Top Reasons to Become a Legal Professional

Even before you start pursuing a legal career, you should think about simple questions – “Why am I doing this?”, “Why law?”. The questions seem […]


The Mobile App which Helps you Find an Appearance Attorney

All lawyers face the issue of finding an appearance attorney at some points in their legal practice. If you are someone under heavy stress, most […]


AppearMe – Your Legal Tool for Court Appearances in Texas

Need a court appearance attorney in Texas? The hiring process is easy and simple with AppearMe. No matter what hearing, the attorneys registered with AppearMe […]

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